Programs & Services

Grade School

  • K-12 school, Viking Trail Academy, located 6 kms away in Plum Point

Health care

  • Strait of Belle Isle Health Centre in Flowers Cove Clinic: 40 km North
  • Rufus Guinchard Health Centre in Port Saunders: 110 kms South

Regional Fire Service

  • Covers five communities from Bird Cove to Pond Cove
  • Based out of Bird Cove

Community Services

  • Cell phone service
  • DSL/Cable Internet 
  • Fire services
  • Garbage collection
  • Postal services
  • Town Water & Sewer Hook-up
  • Harbour Authority


  • Automotive Service
  • Crafts and Gifts
  • Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon

Volunteer Service Groups

  • 50 Centuries’ Cultures Society Inc.
    • 84-92 Michael’s Drive
      Bird Cove, NL A0K 1L0
  • Bird Cove-Pond Cove Fire Services
    • Fire Station – Brig Bay Road, Bird Cove

Spring Clean Up

  • Every June

Garbage Collection

  • Every Monday

Additional community, recreational and business services are found in the communities of:

  • Plum Point (6kms)
  • St. Barbe (15kms)
  • Hawkes Bay, Port au Choix, & Port Saunders (110 kms South)