
The Town of Bird Cove was first settled in 1873 by Michael Meaney and his family. The Town was incorporated on April 18, 1977. Fishing, mainly for lobster, cod, and herring was the traditional source of employment for residents.

The discovery of Aboriginal archeological sites in the 1990’s has created a new industry based on tourism.
Thirty eight archaeological sites have been discovered, of which seven have been excavated. The 50 Centuries Society was established by residents and community partners to promote the discoveries. One of the many significant finds has been a living site of the Maritime Archaic Indians, dating back to 4350 BC – the first of its kind to be discovered. The former Michael Hayes Elementary School has been turned into the 50 Centuries Interpretation Centre to showcase the different cultures and heritage of the area.

Bird Cove, like many towns on the Great Northern Peninsula, has a small and aging population. The Town has responded by developing its tourism potential and developing programs to support aging residents. The Town did see a significant increase in population in the past few years due to various developments and new services provided to all age groups in both the Town and region.